Prioritize Your Content Marketing for Success

Prioritize Your Content Marketing for Success

In the realm of business, setting priorities is key to achieving success, and this principle extends to content marketing. Let’s explore how to establish your content marketing priorities and leverage them to support your business goals.

Defining Content Marketing

Content marketing is a strategic approach focused on creating, distributing, and promoting valuable content to engage and educate your customers and prospects.

Content Creation Priorities

To create valuable content that resonates with your audience, consider these questions for every piece of content you produce:

  1. Who is my target audience?
  2. What challenges are they facing?
  3. How can I provide solutions and help them?
  4. Use a clear, strong, easy-to-follow CTA

Addressing these questions guides your content creation process.

Content Distribution & Promotion Priorities

Develop a clear plan for promoting each piece of content. Utilize social media, blogs, YouTube, and email marketing campaigns to amplify your message. Focus on platforms where your primary audience spends their time.  Consider a domino content approach, where you repurpose content to streamline creation and maximize reach.

Understanding your content marketing priorities is crucial for success. By consistently creating valuable content tailored to your audience and strategically promoting it, you can enhance engagement, build trust, and achieve your business objectives. If you need assistance, we can help. Schedule a call today!

Your May 2023 Content Ideas Are Here!

Your May 2023 Content Ideas Are Here!

Can you believe May is almost here?! 🌸 That means it’s time to get your social media content planned, and we’ve got you covered with some amazing content ideas for the upcoming month.

Monthly Themes

  • Small Business Month
  • Mental Health Awareness Month
  • Skin Cancer Awareness Month
  • Global Employee Health & Fitness Month
  • Foster Care Awareness Month
  • National Strawberry Month
  • National Barbecue Month
  • International Business Image Improvement Month
  • National Revise Your Work Schedule Month

Find this information helpful? Please share this blog!

Weekly Themes

  • May 1-7: National Physical Education & Sports Week
  • May 2-6: National Building Safety Week
  • May 6-12: National Nurses Week
  • May 7-13: Teacher Appreciation Week
  • May 7-13: Public Service Recognition Week
  • May 7-13: National Pet Week
  • May 14-20: National Women’s Health Week
  • May 15-21: Bike to Work Week

Daily Themes

  • May 1: New Home Owners Day
  • May 2: National Foster Care Day
  • May 2: National Teacher Day
  • May 3: National Wordsmith Day
  • May 6 National Fitness Day
  • May 6: National Nurses Day
  • May 6: National Beverage Day
  • May 7: World Laughter Day
  • May 10: Donate a Day’s Wages to Charity Day
  • May 10: National Small Business Day
  • May 14: Mother’s Day
  • May 16: National BBQ Day
  • May 16: National Do Something Good for Your Neighbor Day
  • May 17: National Employee Health & Fitness Day
  • May 19: National Bike to Work Day
  • May 20: Armed Forces Day
  • May 27: National Sunscreen Protection Day
  • May 29: Memorial Day

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5 reasons to blog for your business

5 reasons to blog for your business

Marketers have learned so much about consumer behavior through the various social media platforms, including whether or not to do business with a company, monitoring peer reviews, and much more. Today, more than ever, marketers are turning to these channels to create brand personality and hold dialogue with the tech-savvy consumers.

Among the most valuable digital tools available to a company, the top 3 are: a blog, a website (especially mobile-optimized), an email service provider.

Nearly 40% of US companies use blogs for marketing purposes. Today, we are going to explore the 5 Reasons to Blog For Your Business.


1. You own the content!

The content you create and post to your blog is YOURS. If Facebook or Twitter or Instagram shut down today, you’d still own your blog and your content. Your business will always maintain control over your most important blog asset: the content! TIP: focus on newsworthy content created for your audience.


2. Drive traffic to your website

With the original content now created and living on your website, you have made things a bit easier when it comes to posting on your social media channels. It is so easy to post a link to your blog, accompanied by an interesting visual, and send fans/followers to your website to read the “rest of the story.”  This also works just as well when publishing your e-news or announcements. Additionally, regularly publishing to your blog increases your SEO/SERP inherently by the use of keywords and relevant expressions. TIP: strategically use industry keywords, backlinks, and inbound links to support SEO.

3. Position your business as an Industry Leader

By blogging about what you know, and sharing this within your target market, you position yourself as the resource within your industry. For example, for the local independent MLM sales representative, it is so easy to create a blog post: snap a photo or two of some happy customers using your products, get a testimonial from those same happy customers, and post the story to your blog, remembering to use your keywords. Be sure to share your blogpost and get your followers to comment on the post. TIP: Focus on industry trends, best practices, and case studies.

blog-concept-fountain-pen 4. Build relationships within your target market

Blogs provide another source to deepen the connection with your customer. Your customers like to know YOU, and this is a great way to strengthen your relationships. TIP: Allow comments on your blog posts, and personally respond to those comments. This has a wide-reaching effect, as other readers will see your interactions and have a positive image of your business.


5. It’s easy to use!

There are several options available when getting started blogging. One of the easiest tools to use is blogspot, a free platform from Google. While it’s generally not an integrated part of a business website, it is a free, easy way to get started. Once you get hang of it, think about using the blogging platform available on your website. TIP: As recommended to business owners getting started using social media marketing, take baby steps! Start small, get your feet wet, and then just go for it!