Your August 2024 Content Ideas Are Here!

Your August 2024 Content Ideas Are Here!

It’s hard to believe that Summer is winding down and we’re talking about content for August! In this blog, we’ll explore content ideas designed to enhance your digital presence, increase engagement, and achieve your marketing goals. Let’s dive in!


  • National Wellness Month
  • Back to School Month
  • Happiness Happens Month
  • National Sandwich Month
  • American Adventures Month

August 2024 Content Ideas

Spark a sense of wanderlust and patriotism with your American Adventures Month campaign. Encourage customers to explore their own backyard by featuring local attractions, outdoor activities, or historical sites. Highlight how your product or service can enhance their adventures, whether it’s providing essential gear, capturing unforgettable moments, or simply adding a touch of comfort to their journey.



  • August 5 – 11: Simplify Your Life Week

August 2024 Content Ideas

Simplify Your Life Week is the perfect opportunity to highlight how your product or service can streamline your customers’ lives. Showcase the time-saving, stress-reducing benefits of your offerings. Emphasize how your business can help individuals declutter their physical and mental spaces, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and balanced lifestyle.


  • August 6 – 12: Clutter Awareness Week
  • August 12 – 18: National Bargain Hunting Week


  • 8/1: National Planner Day
  • 8/1: World Wide Web Day
  • 8/3: National Watermelon Day
  • 8/4: National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
  • 8/7: Professional Speakers Day

August 2024 Content Ideas

Professional Speakers Day is a chance to position your brand as a thought leader. Share informative and engaging content, such as expert tips, industry insights, or behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business operations. Consider hosting a webinar or online event featuring industry experts to showcase your brand’s knowledge and authority.


  • 8/9: Co Working Day
  • 8/9: National Book Lovers Day
  • 8/11: National Face Mask Day
  • 8/15: National Relaxation Day
  • 8/16: National Authenticity Day
  • 8/17: National Nonprofit Day
  • 8/19: National Photography Day
  • 8/21: National Senior Citizens Day

August 2024 Content Ideas

Express gratitude and appreciation for seniors by creating a campaign around National Senior Citizens Day. Highlight how your business can improve the lives of older adults, whether it’s offering products that promote health and wellness, providing convenient services, or creating a welcoming and supportive environment. Engage with senior communities through partnerships or volunteer initiatives to strengthen your brand’s reputation.


  • 8/26: National Dog Day
  • 8/26: Women’s Equality Day
  • 8/27: National Just Because Day
  • 8/30: National Grief Awareness Day
  • 8/31: World Distance Learning Day

We hope you’ve found these tips and examples helpful.  If you need help with your content creation strategy and implementation, reach out to learn how we can help!

Schedule a call now!

Your July 2024 Content Ideas Are Here!

Your July 2024 Content Ideas Are Here!

July bursts onto the scene with the firecrackers of the 4th of July holiday, and we’re here to light a spark (or maybe I should say sparkler …) under your content calendar. This month, we’ve got ideas that will help you create content around a variety of themes. Let’s aim to get some oohs and aahs from your audience!


  • Bereaved Parents Awareness Month
  • National Family Reunion Month


  • Independent Retailer Month

    July 2024 Content Ideas

    Independent Retailers, July is your month! With approximately 51% of the US workforce employed by independent retailers, it’s no surprise that small business is considered the backbone of America’s economy. There are a multitude of opportunities to leverage this. Here’s a couple of ideas.
    • Launch a month-long promotion that encourages shoppers to support local businesses. Make sure to capture their contact information so you can market to them after the promotion ends.
    • Partner with other local businesses to offer deals that spread the love: spend $25 at The Hardware Store and get $1 off a large pizza at The Pizza Shop next door.


  • National Grilling Month
  • National Ice Cream Month
  • National Hot Dog Month
  • National Make A Difference to Children Month
  • National Picnic Month
  • Social Wellness Month
  • National Fishing Month



  • July 1-7:  Clean Beaches Week
  • July 14-20: Everybody Deserves A Massage Week


  • 7/1  American Zoo Day
  • 7/1  Early Bird Day
  • 7/2  Made In The USA Day
  • 7/3  National Stay Out of the Sun Day
  • 7/4  Independence Day
  • 7/5  National Workaholics Day
  • 7/6  Hop A Park Day
  • 7/7  National Father Daughter Take a Walk Day

7/8  Be a Kid Again Day

Many industries can tap into the “be a kid again” theme to connect with customers. The key is to identify where your product or service helps them visualize curiosity, creativity, and freedom and translate that into a message that reflects the nostalgia for a simpler time.
  • Imagine an insurance company using playful imagery and relatable scenarios to make complex policies feel less daunting.
  • A furniture store could showcase playful and adaptable pieces that encourage families to create fun living spaces.
  • Even a financial advisor could frame their service as helping you build a secure future so you can worry less and enjoy life more, like a carefree kid.

July 2024 Content Ideas


  • 7/10  Pick Blueberries Day
  • 7/11 National Mojito Day
  • 7/15  National Give Something Away Day
  • 7/17  World Emoji Day
  • 7/20  International Chess Day
  • 7/21  National Ice Cream Day
  • 7/24  International Self Care Day

July 2024 Content Ideas

7/25  National Wine and Cheese Day

This day isn’t just for those in the food industry. Here’s two ideas for you to consider.
  • Host an Open House and serve wine and cheese, along with other yummy treats.
  • Highlight how one of your products/services enhances another (like cheese enhances wine). For example, how a handbag complements a dress or how your software pairs well with an existing system.


  • 7/29  National Lipstick Day
  • 7/30  Share a Hug Day

We hope you’ve found these tips and examples helpful.  If you need help with your content creation strategy and implementation, reach out to learn how we can help!

Schedule a call now!

Your June 2024 Content Ideas Are Here!

Your June 2024 Content Ideas Are Here!

June’s here, and with it comes warmer weather, longer days, and a calendar packed with activities. But between the barbecues and pool parties, the content well can start to feel a little dry. We’ve all been there! To help you keep your audience engaged throughout the month, we’ve put together a list of content ideas for June 2024. Let’s dive in!


  • Beautiful in Your Skin Month
  • Effective Communications Month
  • Entrepreneurs “Do it Yourself” Marketing Month

    Do it Yourself Marketing

Even without a marketing team, you can capture attention in June! Here are creative ways 3 business owners, from a baker to a yoga instructor, can use “Do It Yourself Marketing Month” to connect with customers:

  1. The Local Bakery Owner (Brick & Mortar):

Theme: “DIY Customer Appreciation Month”

  • Social Media Challenge: Create a fun social media challenge for a week in June. Encourage customers to post pictures enjoying your baked goods at home using a specific hashtag. Offer a prize for the most creative post, like a free cake or a basket of treats. This builds brand awareness, customer engagement, and generates user-created content.
  1. The Online Yoga Instructor (Service-Based):

Theme: “Free Yoga Flow for Focus & Productivity”

  • Live Stream Workshop: Host a free live stream yoga session on your social media platform or website. Focus on a theme relevant to entrepreneurs, like “Focus & Productivity Flow.” During the class, subtly weave in how yoga can benefit their busy lifestyle. Offer a discount on your online yoga class package at the end of the session. This allows you to showcase your expertise, build a potential student base, and provide value without needing expensive marketing materials.
  1. The Independent Graphic Designer (Creative Industry):

Theme: “DIY Design Tips for Your Brand”

  • Blog Series: Start a blog series titled “DIY Design Tips for Your Brand” throughout June. Share simple, actionable design tips entrepreneurs can implement themselves. This could include creating a logo with free online tools, basic graphic design principles for presentations, or choosing color palettes for branding. This positions you as an expert and attracts potential clients who may need more advanced design services later.
  • National Camping Month



National Email Month

  • National Email Week (June 10-16): National Email Week is a chance to connect with customers! Here are creative email ideas for both a brick and mortar business and a service-based business:

Retail Store:  Celebrate National Email Week by offering a “subscriber scavenger hunt” in-store. Subscribers receive exclusive clues via email leading them to hidden discounts or special offers throughout the store. This encourages email sign-ups, drives in-store traffic, and creates a fun in-store experience.

Financial Planner:  National Email Week email series focused on “Financial Planning FAQs.” Each email tackles a common question subscribers might have about financial planning, like “How much should I save for retirement?” or “What types of investments should I consider?” This educates potential clients, positions the financial planner as a trusted resource, and encourages them to schedule a consultation for personalized advice.

  • National Play Catch Week


  • 6/1 Stand For Children Day
  • 6/1 National Skincare Education Day
  • 6/7 National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
  • 6/7 National Donut Day: Run a contest on your social media page by asking your followers to post a picture eating their favorite donut.  Put the names of all who participate in a drawing, and award the winner a prize related to your business.  Bonus Tip: Add a high-quality picture of a delicious donut to your post!
  • 6/11 National Making Life Beautiful Day
  • 6/13 National Weed Your Garden Day
  • 6/17 National Eat Your Vegetables Day
  • 6/20 National Yard Games Day
  • 6/20 World Productivity Day
  • 6/21 National Seashell Day
  • 6/21 National Take Your Dog to Work Day
  • 6/23 International Women in Engineering Day
  • 6/23 National Family Owned & Operated Businesses Day
  • 6/26 National Day of Joy
  • 6/27 National Work From Home Day
  • 6/28 National Insurance Awareness Day
  • 6/30 Social Media Day: Show appreciation by featuring customer testimonials or reviews on your social media pages. Publicly acknowledge your loyal customers and the positive impact they have on your business. This builds trust with potential clients and shows your appreciation for existing ones.

We hope you’ve found these tips and examples helpful.  If you need help with your content creation strategy and implementation, reach out to learn how we can help!

Schedule a call now!

Your May 2024 Content Ideas Are Here!

Your May 2024 Content Ideas Are Here!

We’re thrilled to share your May 2024 content ideas! This month is bursting with themes that cover everything from health and wellness to business and creativity, providing ample opportunities to connect with your audience in meaningful ways.

Daily Themes

5/1 – National Skilled Trades Day
5/2 – World Password Day
5/3 – National Textile Day
5/3 – Wordsmith Day
5/4 – K.I.N.D Day (Kids In Need Of Diapers Day)
5/4 – National Kids Fitness Day
5/4 – World Give Day
5/6 – Melanoma Monday
5/6 – National Nurses Day
5/7 – National Teachers’ Day
5/8 – Donate a Day’s Wages To Charity Day
5/8 – National Give Someone a Cupcake Day
5/9 – National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day
5/10 – National Small Business Day
5/12 – International Nurses Day
5/12 – Mother’s Day
5/13 – IEEE Global Engineering Day
5/13 – National Apple Pie Day
5/15 – Bring Flowers To Someone Day
5/15 – National Employee Health and Fitness Day
5/15 – Turn Beauty Inside Out Day
5/17 – National Bike to Work Day
5/19 – Plant Something Day
5/20 – International Red Sneakers Day
5/20 – National High Heel Day
5/20 – National Pick Strawberries Day
5/21 – Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day
5/21 – International Tea Day
5/22 – National Boss Babe Day
5/25 – International Skin Pigmentation Day
5/27 – Memorial Day
5/27 – Sunscreen Day
5/28 – National Burger Day
5/31 – National Smile Day
    May 2024 Content Ideas

    5/2 – Take a Baby to Lunch Day

    We all know that babies, food, and animals are usually highly engaging visual content for social media. On May 2, you can take advantage of “Take a Baby to Lunch Day” by posting a fun picture of you at lunch with (a) your own little one, (b) your grandchild or (c) borrow a friend’s baby for a photo opp! But wait! Go old school and dig out an actual picture of you with your kid at lunch for a Back-In-The-Day post and watch the engagement soar! BONUS POINTS: if you’re in the restaurant business, take pix of all the patrons with their babies OR encourage them to tag you in their posts then share to your stories. Win-Win-Win!!

    May 2024 Content Ideas

    5/17 –  National Pizza Party Day

    #NationalPizzaPartyDay. No reason is ever needed to have a pizza party, but just in case you need one, today’s your day!

    Three simple ideas to create engaging content for today:

    1. Order pizza for your team and share pictures or videos of them enjoying a slice. This would work perfectly for a LinkedIn post!
    2. Shoutout/tag the small business you ordered pizza from! 
    3. In the pizza biz? Create some videos of your pies in the process, from stretching/tossing the dough, to pizza peels sliding into/out of the oven, to a slow-motion of the pizza cutter. Make people crave your creation!


    Weekly Themes

    May 1-7 – Physical Education & Sport Week
    May 2-6 – Building Safety Week
    May 2-8 – Children’s Book Week
    May 5-11 – National Pet Week
    May 5-11 – North American Occupational Safety and Health Week
    May 5-11 – Teacher Appreciation Week
    May 6-12 – National Nurses Week
    May 10-16 – National Mental Health Awareness Week
    May 13-19 – Bike to Work Week
    May 15-21 – National Stationery Week
    May 20-26 – National Safe Sun Week
    May 27-June 2 – National BBQ Week

      Monthly Themes

      Anxiety Awareness Month
      Creative Beginnings Month
      Family Wellness Month
      Gifts from the Garden Month
      Global Employee Health Month
      International Business Image Improvement Month
      Skin Cancer Prevention Month
      Small Business Month

      Leaders of Tomorrow Month

      Social media isn’t just for cat videos and vacation photos! It’s a powerful platform to showcase your company’s commitment to leadership development and inspire your audience. Here are three ways to leverage social media to cultivate a community of strong leaders:
      1. Celebrate Your Team’s Leadership Journey
      • #TeamLeadership Share the stories of your team members who’ve grown as leaders within your organization. Feature quotes about their experiences, alongside photos highlighting their achievements. Let everyone see the impact they’re making!
      1. Show How You’re Building Leaders Beyond the Office
      • #GrowingLeaders Go beyond your four walls and showcase your commitment to leadership development in the community. Share photos or videos from events you sponsor, like a local youth leadership program, or workshops you host on leadership skills. Show how you’re making a positive difference!
      1. Bite-Sized Leadership Inspiration
      • We all crave quick bursts of knowledge and motivation. Create eye-catching graphics or short videos with practical leadership tips, inspiring quotes, or insightful ideas that resonate with your audience. These bite-sized pieces of wisdom can spark something great in your followers!

      By implementing these strategies, you can use your social media channels as inspiration for leadership development. Celebrate your team’s achievements, inspire your followers, and establish your company as a leader in fostering leadership skills.

        We hope you’ve found these tips and examples helpful.  If you need help with your content creation strategy and implementation, reach out to learn how we can help!

        Schedule a call now!

        Lessons learned from baking bread

        Lessons learned from baking bread

        Almost a year ago my niece offered me a sourdough starter. I had NO idea that it was a trend, I was simply interested in offering my family a healthier version of bread so I gladly accepted it. 

        Even though the starter came with instructions, I was out of my league. I was familiar with the traditional kneading and proofing process of bread made with packaged commercial yeast. I had so many questions. Discard? Daily feedings? Stretch and fold? Scoring? Fermenting? The list went on. So I did what any baker-wanna-be would do: I turned to the Internet for education. What I found was a lot of opinions, a lot of advice from professionals, and a lot of ignore everything that you read and do your own thing. **so helpful, right?**  I forged ahead and made my first loaf.

        I’d like to share a little of what I’ve learned about life and business on my sourdough bread journey.

        First, have a plan. I have to plan about a day and a half before baking. I also learned that taking shortcuts gave me less than desired results. My first loaf was barely edible. At times I took shortcuts to make the starter rise faster. Occasionally, I miscalculated my timing. The same is true for marketing. I create a content plan in advance–months in advance. Shortcuts and rushing to create content for the sake of creating can lead to errors. 

        Second, know which tools you need and which tools are optional. I’ve discovered that I don’t need a fancy banneton or scoring tool or even a digital scale to make good bread for my family. If I were to become a professional I might need them, but that’s not my intention. In marketing having a strategy, an editorial calendar and using the right online platforms are required. Project management tools, an image creation tool, and a content scheduler can make your efforts easier but are really bonus tools. 

        Third, trust the process. I went on a 5 week trip shortly after starting my sourdough journey. Being new to live cultures, I was concerned the starter would die being left unattended for such a long period of time. Upon my return, I was delighted to see it was what I call “hibernating.” I stirred in the hooch and began my regular feeding schedule again and soon enough I was baking fresh bread for my family. It’s not unusual to make business decisions with limited insight; we can be uncomfortable not having a clear idea of the outcome, even though we’ve done the research. Should I hire that person for the role? Should I invest in that new software? Sometimes life throws curve balls that are out of our control and we have to do the best we can under the circumstances. A team member had a medical emergency and will be out for a week or two. Who’s going to pick up the slack? You have everything you need to be successful, and overthinking isn’t going to solve the problem. Trust yourself!

        As I continue on my sourdough bread baking journey, I plan to expand into more creative ideas, things like English muffins and bagels. And if I’m invited to your home for any type of occasion, you can expect me to bring along a loaf as a gift.