
How to get a business review on Google

How to get a business review on Google

Most businesses understand the importance of managing and monitoring online reputations. And while the old adage “you can’t please all of the people all of the time, but you can please most of the people most of the time” still reigns, it is possible and important to...

Whatcha gonna say in that next email campaign?

Whatcha gonna say in that next email campaign?

To get your email opened and read, you understand the importance of sending it at the right time. You understand the importance of a compelling subject line. You understand the importance of segmentation: sending the proper message to the proper group. So now you’ve...

Using Pinterest to market your insurance agency

Using Pinterest to market your insurance agency

Pinterest is a pinboard-style photo-sharing website that allows users to create and manage theme-based image collections such as events, interests, and hobbies. Users can browse other pinboards for images, 're-pin' images to their own pinboards, or 'like' photos...

How to handle negative online reviews

How to handle negative online reviews

Negative comments, nasty rumors, 1-star reviews . . . less than positive online statements can hurt business owners in so many ways. Not only can they have an adverse effect on the success of the business, but quite often, they can cause emotional pain to the business...

5 ways non-profits can use email marketing

5 ways non-profits can use email marketing

Non-profit and membership organizations face challenges that are not always known in the business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) world. Primary among these challenges are limited financial resources and limited staffing resources. Add to that the...

6 Ways to Rock Small Business Saturday

6 Ways to Rock Small Business Saturday

It may be August, but it’s never too early to start planning for the holidays. If you start now, you have time on your side, and you can stage a successful Small Business Saturday event that will have everyone talking! Saturday, November 28th is the date for 2015...

Facebook for your business: profile, group or page?

Facebook for your business: profile, group or page?

Scenario: you decide to sign up for a Facebook account and find out just what this Facebook thing really is. You upload a profile picture and maybe a cover photo, add some details about your life; you then proceed down the path of collecting friends: your family, your...

What’s in your junk drawer?

What’s in your junk drawer?

This is a picture of my real junk drawer. *Notice the plastic baggie full of flash lights, key chains and pens--all from the same company, hoping I'll call them someday. And the can koozies hiding among the phone charger and batteries.* Admit it, you have a junk...

social media tips you can use now, part 2

social media tips you can use now, part 2

Part 2 of an ongoing series, discussing social media tips you can put to work right now. Today’s topic is Facebook Posting/Liking/Sharing   Ahh, Facebook. You are like a fickle teenager. What you said yesterday may still hold true for today, or maybe not! Here's a...