Optimize your YouTube channel

YouTube Channel Icon

Upload a YouTube channel icon (like a company logo). This will represent your brand across both YouTube and Google.

YouTube Channel Art

This is the artwork that appears across the top of your channel. It should be 2560×1440 px. Make sure it looks good across desktop, mobile and TV.

 Enable YouTube Channel Navigation/Customization

Before you add any channel updates, you need to enable customization. This will allow you to customize your channel further, making it look more professional.

 Right next to your red “Subscribe” button beneath the channel art, click on the gear button to open your channel’s settings.

  • Click “Customize the Layout of your Channel”
  • Click “Save”

 Update Your YouTube Channel’s Home Page

After you’ve enabled customization, play around on your home page. You’ll notice you’re able to customize two different views – one for returning subscribers, and one for new visitors.

 Navigate to the “For new visitors” section to add your channel trailer. This is the video new people will see first when they visit your page for the first time, so make a good impression!

Only unsubscribed visitors will see the channel trailer. If the viewer is already subscribed, they will see a video under the heading “What to Watch Next,” which is populated based on the user’s previous activity.

Also “Add a Section” beneath it so people see more than just a few videos. Sections can be customized based on what content you want to feature, with all the options listed in the dropdown.

 YouTube Channel’s About Section

Let’s start with the basics. Your About section is where people will obviously go to get more information about your company, so make sure you fill out all these sections:

 CHANNEL DESCRIPTION: The maximum length for this section is 1000 characters, and should be used to describe your business, including any descriptions of what type of videos you plan to feature.

  • EMAIL: Add a general email address where people can reach you for business inquiries.
  • COUNTRY: So people can find you easier, choose your location from the dropdown.
  • LINKS: Icon links are featured just below your description. You can add a variety of links to this section, like your official website, blog and other social media channels. Add your most important ones first, as you have the option to overlay up to five of them on your channel art at the top of your page.
  • FEATURED CHANNELS: A featured channels section can be added on the right-side column, highlighting other channels. Edit the name of the section and add the URLs of YouTube channels you would like to link to. This is a great way to cross-promote other channels with similar content, or other channels your business manages.
  • POPULAR CHANNELS: Make sure to enable this, as it increases the chance your YouTube channel and videos will be recommended.

 Feature Your YouTube Content

Featuring a specific video across all your content is a good way to drive viewership. In the Creator Studio, click on “Channel” and then “Featured Content” in the dropdown beneath. That’s where you can activate this hidden gem and advertise your latest uploads within your own videos. You can also select your channel advertisement here if you have one.

 YouTube Channel Keywords and Website Linking

In the Creator Studio under “Channel,” there’s a section called “Advanced.” Here you can add keywords associated with your channel to make it easier to discover, and link your channel to an official website for SEO purposes.

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