Social Media Power Hour: Learn to Love LinkedIn


Part 3 of 4-Part Social Media Power Hour Series: So much more than a job site! LinkedIn is famous for connecting professionals all over the world. Many people associate it with finding new positions and advancing one’s career, but LinkedIn can also be a valuable space for expanding the network for many types of businesses.…

Social Media Power Hour, Part 1: The Science of Facebook


In this 4-part series, you’ll leave with ideas and strategies to leverage four of the top social media platforms that will help you get your business online. The Science of Facebook: You DON’T have to pay to play! Learn the latest strategies for using Facebook to market your business: what’s new and why it’s important; the…

Social Media Power Hour, Part 2: All About Instagram


Stories and hashtags and reels, oh my! Building your brand and selling on Instagram does not need to be a mystery! Pictures are worth a thousand words . . . and they sell! Join us for a workshop designed to help move followers from inspiration to making purchasing decisions instantaneously. This session will cover building…

Social Media Power Hour, Part 3: Learn to Love LinkedIn


So much more than a job site! LinkedIn is famous for connecting professionals all over the world. Many people associate it with finding new positions and advancing one’s career, but LinkedIn can also be a valuable space for expanding the network for many types of businesses. In this session, you will learn how to effectively…

Social Media Power Hour, Part 4: The Power of Pinterest


Pinterest is no longer just a crafts and recipes site. It’s a visual search engine, and a powerful one at that. In this session, you’ll learn best practices for optimizing your Pinterest profile, graphics creation, and how to drive website traffic and generate leads. REGISTER HERE